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Item type identification code
  Coded identification of an item type.
Product version number
Number assigned by manufacturer or seller to identify the release of a product.
Buyer's part number
Reference number assigned by the buyer to identify an article.
GS1 Description:
Reference number assigned by the buyer to identify an article.
GS1 usage note:
As the code values 'BP' and 'IN' are defined in the same way, it is recommeded that the code value 'IN' be used to specify any article numbers assigned by the buyer.
European Waste Catalogue (GS1 code)
Waste type number according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC).
National product group code
National product group code. Administered by a national agency.
Harmonised system
The item number is part of, or is generated in the context of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonised System), as developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
Self explanatory.
Buyer's item number
The item number has been allocated by the buyer.
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
Self explanatory.
Line item number (GS1 Code)
Number identifying a specific line within a document/message.
Manufacturer's (producer's) article number
The number given to an article by its manufacturer.
Batch number
The item number is a batch number.
GS1 Description:
Number supplementing the identification code of a product used to identify the specific production place and/or time of a product.
Promotional variant number
The item number is a promotional variant number.
GS1 Description:
Number supplementing the identification code of a product and identifying that product as a variant of the standard product. To be used when the variation is not sufficiently significant to justify a change fo the main identification code of the product.
Restricted circulation variable measure number (GS1 Code)
A number assigned to identify a restricted circulation variable measure item.
Supplier's article number
Number assigned to an article by the supplier of that article.
Serial number
Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of a number of identical items.
GS1 Global Trade Item Number
A unique number, up to 14-digits, assigned according to the numbering structure of the GS1 system. 'GS1' stands for the 'Global Standards One'.
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